Three Communities Primary School Status

Our Executive Director, Mr. Momodu W. Jalloh recently visited Sierra Leone to check on the status of the school for the Three Communities Primary School project. The library is complete and classrooms and office are furnished. The project team is currently finishing the interior and exterior painting and building the steps. The school is approximately 90% complete and it is on track to be opened in time for the 2018/2019 school academic year.

The Executive Director was very impressed with the progress of the project and is pleased with the work of the country’s Coordinator, project team, volunteers, residents of the villages, and village elders. He thanks them all for their efforts and support throughout the project.

The kids are excited and looking forward to the start of their educational journey in September.

Our thanks and appreciation to you for your trust and continued support of our programs. Without your support, we would not have been able to accomplish so much with so little. 

Three Communities School in progress

Three Communities School in progress


Back to School Supplies Drive


GoFundMe goal reached! Thank you